Tuesday, April 17, 2007

because i really have nothing in my fridge...

my fridge contains all the staples of a college apartment: beer (both gf and non gf for my friends), more condiments than you could shake a stick at, a wee bit of parmesan cheese and cherry tomatoes. yes, that really all that is in my fridge, and i didnt feel like defrosting any of the meals that my mom made for me. it must have been the lure of procrastinating on another final project. but a pantry full (my pantry is about half of a cabinet in a teeny galley kitchen) of quinoa the wonder food came to the recue. it has replaced coucous which replaced ramen. i also decided that coconut milk is my new favorite fat. the other day i blended it with ice and coffee for a delicious treat. and tonight quinoa and some curry that my best friend brought me from india and the coconut milk made me a delicious dinner. i used the coconut milk in place of the ghee and it complemented the sweet flavor of the curry. i also used a whole onion, a clove of garlic, paprika, chili and about half a pint of cherry tomatoes.i think i eat better now than i ever did before.

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